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Museum Galleries


Here you find a collection of pictures taken from different museums.

At the moment you can find:
* Over 5000 pictures of items from the Bronze Age to Late Medieval.
* Detailed pictures taken from multiple angles.
* All viking and medieval swords exibitioned in Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim.

I also have one gallery with extreme HD pictures of a couple of swords. Well worth looking at if you would like to see all the details.

3d Models


Here are a couple of photogrammetry scans I have done of various artifacts in museums and exhibitions over the years. 

Using 3d models, both printed and digital, as a part of the process of reproducting artifacts give you a much better understanding of the volume and subtle shapes of the objects that often can be hard to understand from pictures and drawings. 

Books and Articles


The Museum of Contemporary Art in Oslo, Norway. What follows are a link a gallery of one of their exhibitions.

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